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Business Process Automation
Fiber Connectivity Rollout & Provisioning
GIS & Derivative Service Solutions
A platform for local farmers to reach a global audience.

Safaricom Ltd.

Fiber to the Business (FTTB) connection
Fiber Connectivity under Liquid Rehabilitation Jobs

Red Bull North America

Geographical Information System Maps portal for Red Bull, North America For the past 8 years Red Bull North America has been a business partner with us. We assist them with numerous services including GIS Portal upgrade, GIS server migration, Spatial data analytics ArcGIS Enterprise management,...

Caribbean Film Fest Market

Caribbean Film Fest Market
Implementation of the Caribbean Film Festival and online Marketing platform

Zuri Rides

Cabs ride mobile application solution

EDMS Siaya

Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS), digitization and indexing of Siaya County Assembly documents and integration with Hansard System

Tour & Invest

Development of Tour & Invest Portal for County Government of Uasin Gishu

Noreb Website

First corporate website for The North Rift Economic Bloc